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C84 11th Australian Infantry Regiment Brass 53mm Hat Badge 1903 to 12. This is a much larger badge than the more common later period.
GH1: Five: 39-45 & Africa Stars, Defense, War & Australian Service Medals (all 5 impressed). SX2987 Pte C. H. Scott HQ ME AIF.
Enlisted May 1940 discharged October 1943. Comes with a pair of original fiber dog tags.
VF $475Miniatures: War Medal 1939-45; Australian Service Medal 1939-45, Reserve Force Decoration with Bar and Efficiency Decoration, E.II.R., Australia.
Attributed to NX143909 Craftsman Kenneth James Terlich 2/4 Mech. EQPT. W/S. (Rank and posting at time of discharge WW2).
Mounted as worn VF $85Miniatures: India General Service 1908-35, 1 clasp, NorthWest Frontier 1930-31; 1939-45 Star; Italy Star; Defence Medal, War Medal 1939-45, M.I.D. oak leaf; General Service 1918-62, 1 clasp, Malaya, G.VI.R.; Army L.S. & G.C., G.VI.R., 2nd issue, Regular Army
Mounted as worn VF/VF+ $225Miniatures: Queen’s South Africa 1899-1902, 3 clasps, Natal, Transvaal, South Africa 1901; 1914/15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal and Territorial Force Efficiency Medal, G.V.R., with Bar
Mounted as worn Good to VF $225Miniatures: Queen’s South Africa 1899-1902, 5 clasps, Cape Colony, Tugela Heights, Orange Free State, Rel. of Ladysmith, Transvaal, M.I.D. oak leaf; King’s South Africa 1901-02, British War Medal, Victory Medal. Defence Medal, Army L.S. & G.C., G.V.R. and Army Meritorious Service Medal G.V.R.
Mounted as worn VF $295Miniatures: Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, undated reverse, 1 clasp, Suakin 1885; Queen’s South Africa 1899-1902, 7 clasps, Cape Colony, Driefontein, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Wittebergen, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902; British War Medal, Victory Medal and Khedive’s Star 1884-6.
Mounted as worn VF $355Miniatures: Royal Red Cross, 1st Class (R.R.C.), G.VI.R. silver-gilt, gold, and enamel,1939-45 Star; Burma Star; Defence Medal and War Medal 1939-45.
Mounted as worn VF/VF+ $245Miniatures: Order of St. John officer badge, silver and enamel; British War Medal, Victory Medal; Coronation 1937 and Belgium, Croix de Guerre
Mounted as worn VF $225Miniatures: Royal Red Cross, 2nd Class (A.R.R.C.), G.V.R., silver and enamel, with lady’s bow riband; British War Medal and Victory Medal with M.I.D. oak leaf.
Mounted as worn VF $245Miniatures: Military Cross, G.VI.R., Korea 1950-53, U.N. Korea 1950-54, General Service 1918-62, 2 clasps, Palestine, Malaya, E.II.R. and M.I.D. oak leaf.
Attributed to Brigadier David Scott Thomson MC a soldier and the Queensland National Party member for Leichhardt.
M.C. 3rd Oct. 1952, MID 16th May 1967
Notable military appointments; Commanding Officer 4 RAR 1964 – 66 (Sarawak), 1967-70 Director of Infantry and Regimental Colonel of the Royal Australian Regiment.
Mounted as worn VF+ $625Miniatures: Military Cross, G.VI.R., 1914 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, M.I.D. oak leaf; 1939-45 Star; Africa Star; Defence Medal, War Medal 1939-45, M.I.D. oak leaf; Australian Service Medal 1939-45, Efficiency Decoration, G.VI.R., Australia.
Attributed to VX179 Lt. Colonel Robert Bruce Forsyth MC ED
Amazing career having enlisted in the 4th Light Horse for Gallipoli in 1914 and promoted through the ranks.
Mounted as worn VF $725Miniatures: Military Cross, G.V.R., 1914/15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, M.I.D. oak leaf; War Medal 1939-45; Australian Service Medal 1939-45 and Efficiency Decoration, G.VI.R., Australia.
Attributed to Major Alexander Hugh Fraser MC MID ED
Fantastic service. An original Gallipoli landing 12th Bn Officer transferring to 52nd Bn for France where he earns his Military Cross prior to becoming a POW and sent to Germany wounded.
Mounted as worn VF/VF+ $575Miniatures: Military Cross, G.V.R.,1914/15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, M.I.D. oak leaf and Italian War Cross, bronze.
Frayed ribbon but otherwise VF $245Miniatures: M.B.E. (Military) Member’s 2nd type badge; British War medal and Coronation 1937 with presentation pin on reverse,
Mounted as worn VF $175Miniatures: The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (3), C.B.E. (Military) Commander’s 2nd type badge, gilt and enamel; 1939-45 Star; Pacific Star; War Medal 1939-45; Australian Service Medal 1939-45, U.N. Korea 1950-54, General Service 1918-62, 1 clasp, Malaya, E.II.R.; U.N. Korea 1950-54, Coronation 1953, United States of America, Legion of Merit, silver, gilt and enamel,
Attributed to Brigadier C. J. (Christopher John) Miles RAAC (Brigadier BCOF)
Mentioned in “Australia in the Korean War 1950-53” pages 10 & 659.
Ex D. Wright 2012
Mounted as worn Fine-Very Fine $375Miniatures: The Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, C.M.G., Companion’s breast badge, silver-gilt and enamel; The Royal Victorian Order, M.V.O., Member’s 4th Class breast badge, silver-gilt and enamels; M.B.E. (Civil) Member’s 2nd type badge; British War and Victory Medals.
Three: DCM G.V.R., War medal and Victory Medal. 602 Fred Jackson. 2nd Tunnelling Company AIF.
DCM London Gazette 6th July 1917.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He has shown great courage in rescuing buried men and has performed consistent good work throughout.
It is a shame that the Victory medal has been RENAMED by someone with an impressing machine.
VF $2500
Pair: South Africa 1879 one clasp 1877-8 correctly engraved in typical style, Pte. D. Cameron Queenstown Vol: Cont gt.
Second medal one clasp 1877-78-79 re-named, D. Cameron Cape Town Volunteers.
The first medal is fully confirmed with the second being self-awarded. Perhaps he felt the clasp with 1879 was a true representation of his service.
These medals came direct from the family and includes a photo of the recipient plus an original printed flyer praising the Queens Town Volunteers for “they have shown great gallantry under fire and in the presence of the enemy”. Signed by the Officer Commanding the Transkei Field Force Captain Harvey.
An interesting pair in Gd VF $1850
Single: Distinguished Conduct Medal, V.R. (Cr. Sgt. T. Burdett, North’d Fus. 2nd Sept. 1898)
D.C.M. London Gazette 15 November 1898.
Thomas Burdett was born in Bradford, Yorkshire and enlisted in the Northumberland Fusiliers in May 1883, aged 20 years. A carpenter by trade, he was also a member of the 4th (Militia) Battalion, Derbyshire Regiment. He went on to gain rapid promotion, being advanced to Corporal in December 1883 and to Sergeant in February 1885, in which latter month he arrived in India. Burdett was subsequently employed in the Hazara Expedition of 1888, gained advancement to Colour-Sergeant in September 1889 and returned home in early 1894. Then in January 1898, following a posting to Gibraltar, he participated in the operations leading to the re-conquest of the Sudan, and won his D.C.M. for bravery at Omdurman. At the end of the same year, Burdett returned home to take up an appointment with the 1st Volunteer Battalion.
In June 1899, the St. George’s Gazette reported:
‘After the inspection and drill by senior officers of the Regiment, Colonel Garstin presented the Khedive’s Medal to Sergeant-Instructor T. Burdett. On presenting the Medal Colonel Garstin complimented Sergeant-Instructor Burdett on his well-earned honour; and also drew the attention of the Brigade to the fact this N.C.O. was to receive the Medal for Distinguished Conduct in the Field, which he earned at the Battle of Omdurman, especially remarking to the Volunteers that the Medal was the next highest honour to be obtained by a soldier to the Victoria Cross.’
The following feature appeared in the same publication in December 1899:
‘At Windsor Castle yesterday afternoon, the Queen decorated Colour-Sergeant F. (sic) Burdett of the 1st Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers, with the medal for distinguished conduct in the field. Her Majesty also decorated four officers with the Distinguished Service Order. Princess Beatrice accompanied the Queen, and Sir John McNeill and Colonel Carington were in attendance. When the gallant Sergeant marched up the Grand Corridor to the Queen, he found Her Majesty sitting in a low chair. Colonel Carington introduced him. Burdett dropped on one knee, and the Queen spoke a few kind words to him, congratulating him on his gallantry. She then fastened the medal on his breast. The Colour-Sergeant bowed to Her Majesty, and the little ceremony was over.’
And Burdett afterwards gave an interview to the Morning Leader:
‘Windsor Castle was magnificent and he [Burdett] was particularly interested in the Khalifa’s black flag in the Castle, riddled as it is with English bullets. Burdett possesses two other medals - the Black Mountain Expedition and the Khedive’s, and is entitled to the English war medal for Khartoum. He is now attached to the 3rd Volunteer Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers. Hearing that one of the men of his regiment was the present Barrack Warden at Victoria Barracks, Windsor, Burdett paid him a visit, and the old comrades were glad to meet. Sergeant-Major Fowles of the 1st Grenadiers, also warmly welcomed Burdett as an old chum.’
Soon after his visit to Windsor Castle, Burdett was advanced to Sergeant-Major on the Permanent Staff of the 3rd Volunteer Battalion and was finally discharged at Newcastle in November 1904. Many years later he was admitted as an In-pensioner to the Royal Hospital Chelsea, where he died in April 1943, aged 84 years.
Ex DNW 2nd April 2003
engraved brackets added to date, contact marks and edge bruising, otherwise generally very fine $3900
GH3: Six: 39-45, Africa & Pacific Stars Defence, War MID & Australian Service Medals ALL correctly impressed. VX1546 H. G. Lane SGT. 2/32 Bn.
MID: London Gazette 6 March 1947
Embarked for Middle East 3 Jan. 1941. From 25 May 1941 operations in North Africa including Syria. Embarked Suez 8 Feb. 1942. To New Guinea 9 Sept. 1942 Back to Brisbane with Malaria 30 Dec. 1942 then back to NG July 1943. To Morotai for operations Balikpapan 22 June 1945.
Comes with three letters from mates that served with him. He died in 1983. He is identified in a group photo in the AWM Neg. number 068561 Queensland Strathpine 2/31 Battalion.
Near EF $2250
GH4: Six: 39-45, Africa & Pacific Stars Defence, War MID & Australian Service Medals ALL correctly impressed. VX5248 R. L. Jenkins WO2 2/5th Bn.
MID: London Gazette 23.6.42 Awarded MID 19th July 1941 for service in North Africa.
Operations in North Africa from January 1941 including Bardia. To Greece 9th April 1941, withdrawn under fire May 1941 then operations against the Vichy French from May to July. RTA 1942 then to New Guinea 17th November 1942. Medically downgraded June 1944 to Water transport in QLD.
With original HQ records letter confirming all awards.
Near EF $2250
GH6: Six: 39-45, Africa clasp 8th Army & Pacific stars (unnamed), Defence medal, War medal with MID & Australian Service Medal, last 3 are impressed. NX17879 SGT A.J. Quick 2/17th Bn. AIF.
MID: Awarded for Service in the Middle East vide Commonwealth Gazette Number 53 of 16th March 1944 and General Orders of the 31st of August 1943.
MID confirmed plus photocopy of NCO’s (in which he is identified) on page 89 of unit History “What we have we Hold”.
A nice Battalion group to a Tobruk Veteran.
VF $2200
Eight: 39-45, Africa & Pacific Stars, Defence & War Medals & Australian Service Medal ALL IMPRESSED. UN Korea impressed. Army LSGC engraved, SX8522 W. T. C. Saunders 2/43 BN.
Middle East 29 December 1940. Injured in a Land Mine incident 15 June 1941in Tobruk. RTA 28 February 1943. Morotai for Tarakan 22 April 1945 with 28 Field company engineers. BCOF 18 May 1948 then 3 RAR. Discharged 9 February 1962. With full-service details by Neil Smith.
Gd VF $1100
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