- New (19)
- Pre Federation Badges (3)
- Rising Suns Badges (3)
- Next of Kin Badges (0)
- Preeminent Badges (2)
- 1900-30 Period Badges (8)
- 1930-42 Period Badges (80)
- Light Horse Badges (15)
- Post WW2 Badges (15)
- Helmet Plates & Cross Belts (19)
- Commonwealth Badges (269)
- Shoulder Titles (121)
- Commonwealth Cloth (197)
- Sweetheart Badges (21)
Australian Medals
136 products
George Marshall Pescod aged 43 enlisted on the 27th August 1915 in the 11th Bn A.I.F.
Taken on strength with the 12th Reinforcements 11 Battalion he proceeded overseas to Alexandria.
After service in the Middle East, George proceeded with Charlie Company 11th Battalion to France disembarking on the 5th April 1916.
Wounded in action “Gun Shot Wound Abdomen (penetrating)” France 20th August 1916
Sadly, he succumbed to his wounds and died three days later at the 3rd Casualty Clearing Station on the 23rd August 1916.
George is buried Plot 2. Row F. Grave 10. Puchevillers Cemetery, France
The medals come in their boxes of issue along with the outer postal packaging addressed to Mrs R. B. Pescod (wife). Hillcroft, Sheriff Hill, Gateshead on Tyne. Also with the group are two beautiful sweetheart badges made from a single collar rising sun badge and an “Australia” shoulder title on each.
EF+ $1125
Trio: 1914/15 star, British War and Victory Medal all correctly impressed to 2780 PTE. (SGT on BWM & VM) J. R. NEILSON 11/BN AIF.
Previous service stated as “five years Bendigo Cadets”
Promoted corporal 11th August 1915 11bn & then again promoted Sergeant 11th September 1915
EMB: 5th October 1915 reverts back to rank
Promoted Cpl 18th April 1916
Transferred to 24th How. Bde. In the 112th Bty 16th June 1916
Granted 12 months leave agricultural purposes to America 31st July 1919 “The purpose of instruction in agriculture and pig raising methods”
RTA 15th September 1920 from Vancouver to Perth Western Australia (address stated as Salvado St Cottesloe Beach)
Note: Records show John Roy Neilson medals were returned to sender and then sent back to him
VF $775
Trio: 1914/15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal.1914/15 Star and Victory Medal impressed to 1981 DVR L. WRIGHT 12 BN AIF
Emb. 26 April 1915
Evacuated Gallipoli sick 14th August 1915 (returned to active duty 1916)
RTA 21 March 1919 (earliest discharge for 1915 enlistments who saw the whole war).
A nice group to a soldier who served continuously through WW1.
VF $925
FAMILY GROUP: Pair: British War Medal and Victory Medal impressed to 2585 Pte. J. D. JOSLIN 12 Bn. AIF
Emb. 9th November 1916
Records report "infected wound" "forearm left" 18th April 1919
RTA. 1st June 1919
Also comes with Queen Elizabeth II Efficiency medal "Australia" correct period engraving to 546822 R. D. Joslin
VF $785
Trio: 1914/15 star, British War and Victory Medal all correctly impressed to 1893 PTE. H. TURNBULL 16/BN AIF.
EMB: 19th April 1915
Admitted Pneumonia Gallipoli
WIA: 2nd July 1916 G.S.W. Rt Arm
RTA: 13th February 1917 (Medically unfit)
When applying for the Gallipoli Medallion Private Turnbull included this from his diary, he had this to say
“landed about 11:30 at ANZAC Cove with the 7th reinforcements …. 6th Informed by our officers in Shrapnel Gully that we were to make big advance at 9pm, moved off at 9pm to the left with all the rifles free of ammunition , met with little opposition till 5am then we were in the midst of hell, with sniping very bad. We loaded our rifles just before daylight and were partly dug in on hill 303 at 4pm….. We made a heavy attack on Chocolate Hill at 3:30am on the 9th, the 13th, 14th & 15th battalions on the right of me made just a faint attack on the left and got cut up badly. I was one of 6 sent out to middle of hay field to draw enemy’s fire, our only cover being stacks of hay, there was only four of us left to join the main body, but 60 of us got cut off and returned into the Turks machine gun fire. Thirty of our chaps were cut down”
Note: It appears he lost his medals but all were returned. The Victory Medal was handed in separately and then returned by the government in 1936
VF $1200
Pair: 1914/15 Star and Victory medal (missing BWM). Both correctly impressed to 541 SJT (LIEUT. on Victory medal) H. T. CROUCH 16 BN. A.I.F.
Emb. November 1914
WIA 27 April 1915 (G.S.W left leg).
Promoted 2/LT May 1915 as a result of W. B. Kerr being killed
RTA 17 March 1916 unfit for duty for 6 months
Emb. 9 October 1916
Served in France until his leg wounds became complicated. Classed as "Permanently unfit for duty" 20 August 1917
Despite this he is not discharged until 10 January 1919.
Another very interesting group to a casualty in the first few days of the landing and then on to become an officer.
Important note; There is a letter in Lt. Crouch's records stating that he lost his BWM in 1938
VF $750
Four: 1914/15 star, British War, British War (duplicate issue) and Victory Medal correctly impressed to 2543 PTE. D. MACKAY 17/BN AIF. Second War Medal correctly impressed 3876 A-CPL D. MACKAY 4 PNR. BN. A.I.F.
EMB: 5th October 1915 (17th Bn)
Proceeded to England with an injury to the knee 31st August 1916
Embarked again with 4th Pioneer Battalion and sent to Sandhurst for "bombing course" and passed as instructor 13th June 1917.
Transferred to 4th Machine Gun Battalion 12th May 1918
WIA: 30th June 1918 "Gunshot wound left arm severe"
RTA: 19th February 1919
Note: There is a statutory declaration for Daniel Mackay stating that he did not receive his victory medal (only receiving the initial War Medal he may not have believed he was entitled to the 1914/15 star as he was a late embarkation in 1915). Records further show that medals were returned in 1924 (possibly only the 1914/15 star and Victory Medal) and then sent back out along with a British War Medal. A very interesting grouping
VF $1300
Trio: 1914/15 star and British War Medal both correctly impressed to 18 PTE. G. B. PLAYER 18 BN A.I.F. Missing Victory Medal
EMB: 25th June 1915
Previous service stated as St Georges Rifles (5 years)
WIA: 22-23rd August 1915 GSW Left Foot Gallipoli Hill 60
Transferred to 2nd Div. Sig. Coy 4th December 1916
RTA: 8th September 1918 reason given "G. S. W. Left foot amputation of Great Toe". It appears his previous wounds have got infected and Private Player is very sick leading up to his discharge.
Note: The 18th Battalion landed on Gallipoli on the 22nd August and went into action almost instantly on “Hill 60” and it is here where Private Player was injured.
VF $650
Pair: British War medal and Victory medal (missing 1914/15 Star). Both correctly impressed to 2613 A. W. DUCKWORTH 18 BN. A.I.F.
Emb. 2 November 1915
Transferred to the 53rd Battalion in April 1916
WIA 2 July 1916 (S. W. Chest)
2nd WIA 26 September 1917 (S. W. Eye)
RTA 5 May 1919
VF $450
Trio: 1914/15 star, British War and Victory Medal all correctly impressed to 1594 2-CPL (PTE on star). E. E. WILLIAMS 18/BN AIF.
EMB: 12th May 1915 (18th Bn)
Admitted Gallipoli 12th August 1915 "sick"
WIA: 28th July 1916 "G.S.W. left thigh, ankle"
Transferred to the 17th ANZAC Light Railway Operating Coy.
2nd WIA: 1st November 1917 "Gas Poison shell (severe)"
RTA: 19th April 1919
Near EF $975
Pair: British War Medal and Victory Medal impressed to 3199 Pte. J. C. Robertson 18 Bn. AIF - transfered to ANZAC LT. RAILWAY
emb. 20 Nov.1915 RTA 20 Dec.1918
Gd VF $400
Pair: British War Medal and Victory Medal impressed to 6675 T.Cpl. J. Broadgate 20 Bn. AIF
emb. 7 Feb.1917 RTA 30.Jan.1920
WIA 3 Oct.1918 - gassed ,19 May 1918 fractured skull
finished up with Graves Registration.
VF $475
Trio: 1914/15 star, British War and Victory Medal all correctly impressed to 2848 PTE. J. WATERMAN 20/BN AIF.
EMB: 2nd November 1915
WIA: 27th July 1916 (remained on duty) France
Admitted to hospital November 1916 sickness severe
Transferred to 5th Machine Gun Coy 24th November 1917
RTA: 20th May 1919
Good VF $775
Trio: 1914/15 star, British War and Victory Medal all correctly impressed to 1010 PTE. A. RICH 21/BN AIF.
EMB: 10th May 1915
WIA: 1st August 1916 (GSW Arm) Pozieres
RTA: 18th October 1917 due to wounds (home service for 6 months)
Discharged 16th January 1918 Medically unfit
Note: Died at the Echuca hospital on the 9th March 1920 (pernicious anemia)
GD VF $850
GROUP 1: Trio: 1914/15 star, British War and Victory Medal all correctly impressed to 734 L-CPL (PTE on star). W. CAMERON 22/BN AIF.
EMB: 10th May 1915
Taken on strength at Gallipoli 30th August 1915
WIA: 5th August 1916 "Gunshot wound thigh"
RTA: 12th February 1917
Note: Records show William Cameron's medals were issued in 1939 to his wife as they were unclaimed.
GROUP 2: Four: 1939/45 Star, Pacific Star. War Medal and Australian Service Medal 1939/45 all medals correctly impressed to VX103820 W. D. CAMERON
Note: Due to William David Cameron's file not being opened at this stage, all we can ascertain is that he enlisted on the 16th July 1942 and served with the 2/10th TSPT PL. Further research required.
VF $1350
Pair: British war medal and Victory medal impressed to 5355 PTE G. B. GAMMON 23 BN AIF
Emb. 1st August 1916
WIA: 11th March 1917 "Gunshot wound spine, severe"
RTA: 24th October 1917 and subsequently discharged "medically unfit" as a result of his wounds
Note: Victory medal was posted out and returned to sender before being re-issued
VF $400
Pair: British War Medal and Victory Medal both correctly impressed to 4776 PTE J. W. TRATFORD 23 BN. A.I.F.
Emb. 4th April 1916
RTA 22nd July 1919
A Good soldier with minimal on his record!
VF $375
Pair: British War Medal and Victory Medal impressed to 1750 Pte. J. F. Whiteway-Wilkinson 24 Bn. AIF.
emb.16 July 1915 England, then France 10 Jan.1916 - therefore not entitled to star.
Good VF $525
Trio: Private P. S. Smith, 25th Battalion, Australian Imperial Force
1914-15 Star (234 Pte. P. S. Smith. 25/Bn A.I.F.); British War and Victory Medal (234 Pte. P. S. Smith. 25 Bn. A.I.F.)
Percival Sydney Smith was born in 1878 and attested for the Australian Imperial Force at Brisbane on 28 January 1915. He served with the 25th Battalion at Gallipoli from August 1915, and on the Western Front from 1916. He was wounded in action with a gunshot wound on 2 September 1918 and was invalided to Weymouth Hospital. He was discharged on 18 January 1919, and died on 29 July 1950.
Lacquered, good very fine $975
Three: Private P. R. Church, 25th Battalion Australian Imperial Force 1914-15 Star (57 Pte P. R. Church. 25/Bn. A.I.F.); British War and Victory Medals (57 Pte P. R. Church. 25 Bn. A.I.F.);
Private Percy Robert Church embarked on the 29th June 1915 with the Alpha Company of the 25th Battalion A.I.F. for Gallipoli serving four and a half months before Dysentery took its toll on him.
Private church’s medical record give us a rare insight into the effects of dysentery on Gallipoli when recording his weight “Gallipoli in Dec. 1915, Wt. 11.5. , Wt. on enlistment 12 St. 2 lbs”
Transferred to the 49th Battalion on the 3rd November 1916 France
Unable to shake his illness that had followed him from Gallipoli all through his service discharging from the A.I.F. on the 10th October 1917 in the U.K. classed as “permanently unfit for general service”.
Note: Comes with his numbered A.I.F. ‘Returned from active service badge’,
Nearly extremely fine $875
Trio: 1914/15 star, British War and Victory Medal all correctly impressed to 982 PTE. S. C. SMITH 25/BN AIF.
EMB: 29th June 1915 (25th Bn A. Coy)
Taken on strength with 5 Field Company Engineers and remustered as Sapper number 4568 to re-joined unit at ANZAC (Gallipoli) on the 5th October 1915
Transferred as Driver to the F.A.B in 1916 finally ending up with the 17th Field Artillery Battery for service in France until 1919
RTA: 8th February 1919
VF $775
GROUP 1: Pair: British War and Victory Medal both correctly impressed to 3225 PTE H. J. STONE 25 BN AIF.
EMB: 30th December 1915
WIA: 29th July 1916 "G. S. W Head"
RTA: 13th February 1917.
Note: Comes with Henry James Stones Returned from active service, Services rendered and R.S.L badge
GROUP 2: Four: 1939/45 Star, Pacific Star. War Medal and Australian Service Medal 1939/45 all medals correctly impressed to QX103820 H. A. STONE
Note: Henry Allan Stones file is not opened at this stage, but with his Demobilization and Record of Service booklets we can confirm that he enlisted on the 11th March 1943 and served with the 15th Field Ambulance. Further research required. Also comes with Drivers and Red Cross I.D. and Returned from active service badge. Plenty of information in these booklets for a collector to decipher.
VF- Near EF $975
PAIR: British War and Victory Medal, both correctly impressed to 3900 PTE M. J. RYAN 25 BN AIF.
EMB: 31st January 1916
25th November 1916 to hospital listed as “trench feet”
Whilst in hospital it appears his behaviour is that of someone who has shell shock. Concluding “delusional insanity” and his file reports many of his delusional ranting such as his belief “the staff of the mental ward were leaders of the black hand gang” he also admits to hearing noises in his head and voices at the tip of his tongue that have “power” over him, especially at night.
RTA: 18th September 1917 Mental deficiency (for change)
Amazingly he was accepted back in service as part of the Sea Transport staff in October 1918 accompanying and helping the troops on their embarkation.
Note: Private Ryan’s records contain 73 pages with many of his various rants and delusions recorded giving us a very descriptive insight into his situation and also the medical assessments at the time
Near EF $425
Five: 1914/15 Star, British War, Victory Medal, War Medal 1939/45 and ASM 1939/45. WW1 trio correctly impressed to 1913 PTE. H. T. PARKER 26/BN AIF. War Medal 1939/45 and ASM 39/45 correctly impressed Q50772 H. T. PARKER
EMB: 16th August 1915
WIA: 1st November 1915 Shrapnel wound thigh Gallipoli
RTA: 20th January 1916 medically unfit
During the Second World War Herbert Thomas Parker served from March 1941 until January 1943 with the 1st Garrison battalion.
VF $1100
- New (19)
- Pre Federation Badges (3)
- Rising Suns Badges (3)
- Next of Kin Badges (0)
- Preeminent Badges (2)
- 1900-30 Period Badges (8)
- 1930-42 Period Badges (80)
- Light Horse Badges (15)
- Post WW2 Badges (15)
- Helmet Plates & Cross Belts (19)
- Commonwealth Badges (269)
- Shoulder Titles (121)
- Commonwealth Cloth (197)
- Sweetheart Badges (21)